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Importance of History in UPSC Prelims
The History section is a vital component of General Studies Paper-I and holds a significant weightage in the Prelims. Here’s why History is crucial:
- High Number of Questions: History typically contributes 15–20 questions in Prelims, making it an essential scoring area.
- Relevance Across Stages: History is not only critical in Prelims but also overlaps with Mains and the interview stage, especially in topics like Indian culture, freedom struggle, and post-independence consolidation.
- Broad Scope: It covers diverse topics such as Ancient, Medieval, and Modern History, as well as Art and Culture, which are frequently tested.
- Dynamic Nature: History connects with other subjects like polity, geography, and current affairs, enhancing overall understanding.
History Topics to Focus on for Prelims
- Ancient History: Harappan Civilization, Vedic Period, Mauryan and Gupta Empires.
- Medieval History: Delhi Sultanate, Mughal Empire, Bhakti and Sufi Movements.
- Modern History: British policies, Revolt of 1857, Indian Freedom Struggle, and role of key leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, and Jawaharlal Nehru.
- Art and Culture: Indian festivals, music, architecture, UNESCO heritage sites, and cultural institutions.
Tips for Effective UPSC Preparation
- Regularly revise important topics using free UPSC materials to strengthen your conceptual clarity.
- Download and organize PDF notes for quick reference.
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