How to Start UPSC Preparation from Zero Level

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If You Think to Start UPSC Preparation From Zero Level You are right Place I will Guide You step-by-step roadmap to begin your UPSC preparation effectively

Understand the UPSC Exam Pattern and Syllabus:-


 There are three phases of the UPSC Civil Services Exam – Prelims, Mains, and Interview. and  it is crucial for you to check the latest UPSC exam pattern to understand the subjects and papers covered in each stage, the number of questions asked, duration, total marks, etc.

The UPSC exam pattern comprises Three stages, culminating in the selection of candidates for various civil services roles. This pattern includes the Prelims exam, Mains Exam, and Interview. Each phase evaluates different skills, knowledge domains, and aptitudes, ensuring that candidates possess a well-rounded profile for Every Stages.

The Three stages of the UPSC CSE Exam Pattern, as mentioned in the official notification, are:

  1. Stage I – Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination.
  2. Stage II – Civil Services (Mains) Examination.
  3. Stage III – Interview(Final).

UPSC Exam Pattern for Prelims 2025

Paper NameNo. Of QuestionTotal MarksTime DurationNature of PaperNegative Marks
GS Paper I1002002 hoursObjectiveYes
GS Paper II(CSAT)802002 hoursObjectiveYes

Note: GS Paper I is Marks Considered For Merit
GS Paper II Is Qualifying In Nature with 33%

UPSC Prelims Exam Pattern consists of two papers: General Studies Paper 1 and Civil Services Aptitude Test or GS Paper 2. The GS paper 1 assesses a candidate’s grasp of Different subjects, including History, Geography, Polity, etc., And the CSAT evaluates the logical reasoning and analytical skills of the candidate. The Prelims serve as a filtering mechanism, allowing a limited number of candidates to progress to the Mains Examination.

UPSC Exam Pattern for Mains 2025:

Main Examination (Mains): Descriptive papers, Total No. Of Papers Nine.

Paper NameTime DurationTotal MarksNature of Paper
Paper A – Compulsory Indian Language Paper3 hours300Qualifying in nature
Paper B – English Language Paper3 hours300
Paper I – Essay3 hours250Considered for Merit
Paper II – General Studies I3 hours250
Paper III – General Studies II3 hours250
Paper IV – General Studies III3 hours250
Paper V – General Studies IV3 hours250
Paper VI – Optional Paper I3 hours250
Paper VII – Optional Paper II3 hours250

UPSC Exam Pattern 2025 for Interview Round:

upsc interview

The UPSC Interview, also known as the Personality Test, Because Your Knowledge Is already tested in the Prelims and Mains. and This is the final phase of the Civil Services Examination. It is designed to assess a candidate’s suitability for a career in public service. which test a candidate’s knowledge and writing skills, the Interview focuses on evaluating their personality, attitude, and communication skills.

  • Duration: The interview usually lasts for about 20-30 minutes.
  • Panel: The interview is conducted by a panel of experts, including experienced bureaucrats, academicians, and subject-matter specialists.
  • Venue: The interviews are usually conducted at the UPSC office in New Delhi

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